Student Cell Phone and Personal Electronic Device Policy

In response to a genuine concern for the well-being of our students and our commitment to fostering a safe, focused, and respectful learning environment, Oologah-Talala Public Schools will maintain a strict policy regarding student use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices. Cell phones and other Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) have become a daily distraction and are a major contributor to disciplinary violations. PEDs include, but are not limited to, cell phones, tablets, wearable smart technology, headphones, and gaming devices. This new policy will go into effect the first day of the 2024-2025 school year and will be a part of all student handbooks moving forward. The specific guidelines for each site are as follows:

Oologah Lower Elementary and Oologah Upper Elementary: Personal cell phones and electronic devices are to be turned off and stored in a backpack or locker during the school day. If a parent wishes to have their child bring a cell phone or device to school, it will remain turned off and stored away during the school day. If a cell phone or other PED is visible within the school environment, it is subject to confiscation by members of the administrative team. The parents/guardians will be responsible for picking up the item from administration. The school will assume no responsibility for damaged, lost, or stolen cell phones or PEDs brought to school.

Oologah Middle School: Middle School students are not permitted to use cell phones or other PEDs during the school day. At 7:50 each morning, cell phones and other PEDs must be placed in the student’s locker for the remainder of the school day. Students that choose to bring a cell phone or other PED do so at their own risk. If a student’s device is visible during the school day, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the student handbook. The device is also subject to confiscation by members of the administrative team. The school will assume no responsibility for damaged, lost, or stolen cell phones or PEDs brought to school.

Oologah High School: High School students are not permitted to use cell phones or other PEDs in the classroom setting. Students may access their PEDs during breakfast, during lunch and at passing periods. Student devices should be turned off or silenced, and they must be put out of sight during class periods. If students are caught using their devices, or the devices disrupt the educational environment of the classroom, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the student handbook. The device is also subject to confiscation by members of the administrative team. The school will assume no responsibility for damaged, lost, or stolen cell phones or PEDs brought to school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q - What is the rationale for students not having access to their phones and personal electronic devices (PEDs) during the day?

A - There were several driving considerations which have led to the implementation of this policy:

  • Focus on Learning - Prioritizing school as a place for distraction free learning.

  • Personal Privacy - Limiting the opportunity for students to have pictures and/or videos taken of them by other students without their permission. This is an issue which faces students and administrators on a very regular basis.

  • Inappropriate Use of Social Media - The inappropriate use of social media by students is a problem at all schools. Students are less likely to use social media during the school day if they do not have access to their phones and other PEDs.

Q - What is a PED?

A - A PED is a personal electronic device such as, but not limited to, cell phones, smart watches, Air Pods, headphones, earbuds, iPods, MP3 players, gaming devices, tablets, etc. This policy does not apply to a student’s school issued Chromebook or other technology given to the student by the district.

Q - Can my child use their phone before/after school?

A - For secondary students, the policy is in effect during the instructional day from 7:50 - 2:50. Secondary students may access their phones before and after this time. In addition, High School students may access their phones at breakfast, at lunch, and during passing periods. Elementary students must leave their devices out of sight at all times.

Q - Can my child use their phone between classes at their locker?

A - Only High School students will be allowed to access their phones between classes.

Q - Can my child use their phone on the bus or during school activities that take place off campus?

A - Cell phone and PED are allowed on the bus and at school activities, but their usage will be subject to existing policies and the regulations outlined in the student handbook. Misuse of a cell phone or PED at these times will result in disciplinary action which may include removal from the bus or the activity.

Q - Will my child be able to text or communicate on their Smart Watch?

A - No, this policy covers all cell phones and other PEDs.

Q - Will my child be able to carry their phone in their backpack, purse, pocket, etc., during the day?

A - Elementary and Middle School students will be assigned a locker to safely secure the device during the day. High School students may carry their phone in their belongings, but it must stay silent and out of sight at all times with the exception of before and after school, during lunch, and between classes. High School students may request a locker to store their devices and belongings if they want one.

Q - What if my child is ill or has an emergency?

A - Students will report to a nurse, administrator, counselor, or front office personnel, and they will assist them appropriately.

Q - Can my child use their AirPods, headphones, or earbuds?

A - Not generally, but exceptions will be made for educational purposes approved by the school administration.

Q - Does this policy apply to iPods, MP3 players, gaming devices and other personal entertainment devices at school?

A - Yes, this policy applies to cell phones and all other kinds of PEDs.

Q - Can my child use their phone/device to take photos or videos of people, places or events during the school day?

A - No, the policy includes all features of a cell phone.

Q - Can they use their devices during lunch?

A - Only High School students will be allowed to access their device at lunch.

Q - What if I need to contact my child about a change in their pick-up routine, etc.?

A - Please get in touch with the school office and they will deliver the message to the child.

Q - What if there is a school emergency?

A - The school will communicate through our communication platforms. Please ensure your contact information is correct in the parent portal and that you have not opted out of school communications.