Due to Covid-19 Levels in Rogers County, we will be Orange 2 for the week of 11/9-11/13. If you would like your child to participate in distance learning, please fill out the very brief google form below. It is open now and will remain open until 8:00 p.m. on Sunday. You must fill out the form to participate in distance learning. If your child participates in distance learning they will be counted present if they do the following:
*Log into google classrooms everyday
*Complete tasks assigned to them by their teachers
*Communicate with their teacher

Please remember that some departments want them present for their class via ZOOM. Also students participating in distance learning can still attend extra-curricular activities such as games and practices.


The google form for Distance Learning is always on our website as well. https://www.oologah.k12.ok.us/.../what-is-distance-learning