OTPS Families, Take advantage of this wonderful service from our cafeteria staff! Please use the link below to access the Grab & Go Lunch Order Form. https://forms.gle/Cg2JQsYG92otRXrX9
about 4 years ago, OMS
All Students Distance Learning, December 7th-18th.
about 4 years ago, OMS
All Students Distance Learning
Please read Mr. Tanner’s COVID-19 Update for December 7th-18th. Thank you.
about 4 years ago, OMS
COVID-19 Update
Please consider donating new or gently used coats. You can send them to school with your child or drop them off at OMS. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, OMS
Today is Remote Learning Day!
about 4 years ago, OMS
Remote Learning Day
OMS Families, We are still offering Grab & Go Meals for students participating in all learning environments off campus! Take advantage of this wonderful service our cafeteria staff provides for all Distance Learners, Virtual Learners, and all students during Remote Learning Days. The meals are free for all children under the age of 18 who live within our district. Please use this link below to access the Grab & Go Lunch Order Form. You will need to complete this by 9:00am the day before meal pick up. https://forms.gle/RQz6TPrdf41BdGbEA If you have any questions, please contact: Christy Chockley @ 918-443-6000, ext. 6057 or Tami Jennings @ 918-443-6000, ext. 6213.
about 4 years ago, OMS
Good evening OMS families! If you plan to transition your child to Distance Learning this week at OMS, please access the link below to complete the DL Enrollment form for November 30th-December 4th. Thank you for partnering with us! https://forms.gle/GGk75LongifLYeYS8
about 4 years ago, OMS
Please read Mr. Tanner’s Weekly COVID-19 Update for November 30th-December 4th. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, OMS
Weekly Update
Red Risk Phase
Way to go Makayla and Kalei! We are so very proud of you!
about 4 years ago, OMS
GCBDA Honor Band
Congratulations goes out to the following OTPS students for auditioning & making the following All State Choirs! We are so proud of you!
about 4 years ago, OMS
All State Choirs!
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the parents, students, & community members of Oologah for the unwavering support of our middle school staff. We wish a Happy and Joyful Thanksgiving!
about 4 years ago, OMS
Happy Thanksgiving!
Please read Mr. Tanner’s Weekly COVID-19 Update for next week.
about 4 years ago, OMS
Weekly COVID-19 Update
OMS Families, See this video update from Mr. Sappington regarding Covid-19. We thank you for your support and teamwork! https://youtu.be/LJqTIxNiEWw
about 4 years ago, OMS
It’s Remote Learning Day @ OMS!
about 4 years ago, OMS
Remote Learning Day
Good evening OMS families! If you plan to transition your child to Distance Learning this week at OMS, please access the link below to complete the DL Enrollment form for November 16th-20th. Thank you for partnering with us! https://forms.gle/GGk75LongifLYeYS8
about 4 years ago, OMS
Please read Mr. Tanner’s Weekly COVID-19 Update for November 16th-20th.
about 4 years ago, OMS
Weekly Update
Red Level
It was a great night to celebrate softball! Lots of joy and laughter as Coach Brown, Coach Jahn, & Coach Henderson recognized players for their hard word & dedication to softball. Thank you to Coach Brent Payne for the inspirational message. We are so proud to have Coach Brown at OMS!
about 4 years ago, OMS
Softball Banquet
Thank you Veterans! We honor you for your service and sacrifice for our country that we may all enjoy freedom.
about 4 years ago, OMS
Veteran’s Day
Mr. Tanner’s Weekly COVID-19 Update for November 9th-13th.
about 4 years ago, OMS
Mr. Tanner’s Weekly Update
Weekly COVID-19 Update
OMS Families, Rogers County has been designated as Orange Level 2 for the week of November 9th-13th. During Orange Level 2, we encourage students to transition to Distance Learning (DL) if at all possible. Parents: Complete the Distance Learning Form to indicate your child will transition to Distance Learning for the week of November 9th-13th. Access the link below to complete the form. Review the guidelines with your child to ensure a successful week of Distance Learning. As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me, kelli.dixon@oologah.k12.ok.us. Have a great weekend! https://forms.gle/1UQFoXxyciSMKr9V8
about 4 years ago, OMS